Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chapter 1: FIRST SIGHT

"Fate leads the willing...
...and drags along the reluctant..."

Edo, Japan

A song... beautiful tingled in the air... brought a certain melancholy that made the listener feel nostalgic for something that did not exist and yet craved for. It was bittersweet and...
" much more...", she thought.

Yueie closed her eyes and followed the song blindly.

"What is this feeling?", she asked herself, walking towards the sound slowly.

Brilliant green eyes opened and saw a beautiful garden surrounded by different colored flowers and four-leafed clovers. Her gaze raked the whole place and landed on a cherry tree that looked like it was a hundred years old. She walked towards it and saw that behind it, a sleek black piano was placed and someone was playing it sensationally. She squinted and saw a familiar white-silver hair.

Curious, she walked nearer and saw a beautiful boy, almost angel-like, playing the piano serenely as though he was lost in his own world. She smiled and sat down under the tree, closing her eyes and letting the song warm her heart up.

"...beautiful...", she thought.

The piece had a certain calmness that spreads to those who listen to it and she found herself engulfing that peace wholeheartedly.

She blinked and saw the song had stopped and the boy was looking at her with cold and piercing blue eyes. Green clashed with blue for a moment before she slowly asked,

"Who are you...?"


He stood up and turned to leave until she said, standing up,

"P-please wait!!! I-I know you!!"

He turned to see her and raised his eyebrows. She placed her hands in her chest and felt the rapid beating of her heart. She felt, no, she KNEW him from somewhere before. She could remember the same aura, the same face but...

"I cant remember...I...", she whispered hesitantly.

She looked at him and saw the same stoic face. He spoke slowly and clearly,

"You don't remember me for we have never met before, girl..."

She frowned.

"But...why do I...feel like this?", she asked.

Abruptly, he disappeared and reappeared right in front of her. He gently laid a hand over her chest and said,

"You're heartbeat is the same. Humans...and your useless emotions..."

He removed his hand.

Silence reigned over them as they stared at each other. Her green eyes saw something in his eyes that he never showed in his face. It was...

"...loneliness...", she thought.

Slowly, she raised her hand to his face and caressed his face. She could see two magenta stripes on both his cheeks and a blue crescent moon on his forehead.

"You are...not human, are you?", she asked softly.

She saw his eyes widen slightly then returned to their stoic state.

"You are...", she continued, caressing his cheek.

The wind fluttered the hem of her kimono and slowly a smile appeared on her face.

"...Lulu...I'll call you, Lulu...since you don't want to tell me your name...", she finished.

His eyes bore into hers as he hissed scathingly,

"You are a fool, give me a name I obviously do not need."

She smiled.

"I know..."

"Miko!!! MIKO!!!", a chorus of voices called her angrily.

She jumped in surprise and gasped.

"OH NO!!! I HAVE TO GO!!!"

She lifted the hem of her long kimono and started to go. She stopped halfway and looked around. He had already disappeared from her line of sight but she could feel him still lingering in the air. Giving him a sweet smile she knew he could see, she turned and run.


Phew!! Finished the 1st chap!!!
Yehey fo me!!


I'm back!!

Here it is...

"When you can live for an eternity...
...what is there to live for?"

I remember asking him that question a long time ago. He never really answered me and I figured...
...that an immortal like him...
...never really thought of that...


Have you guys ever heard of the saying,
"Opposites attract"?
Yeah, I guess you have...

Funny, how that single quote described my relationship with him. We were polar opposites, natural enemies so how come I...
...fell in love with him?


Why did I have to fall in love with him when I knew I was committing a great mistake for letting my feelings grow for him? I already got burned twice...
...and I figured I would never get burned again...

Our destinies were so diverse, so different from each other but Fate decided to play a game with us...

It made us meet, grow close and eventually...


I'm in a load of mess, I know.

Why, though?

Why me?

Why him?

Why us?


Fate is cruel. It plays with people like toys and when it gets bored, the toys get left behind to rot in misery.

I hate it.

Hmm...maybe not hate exactly....
...maybe utter dislike...

Why you ask?


Just when I decided to just be happy and not be a worry wart, Fate got bored.

It decided to add a little 'spice' to our so called 'love story' and voila!!

I suffered.



And in love.

I am such a mess!!!

And I blame Fate for my misery...

I can still remember the day I met him as clear as the clearest water...
...even though thousands of different events occured that day...

It all started because of a song...
...My Lullaby...


How was it??